As all of us have become moms, and focus ever more attention on our kids, it can be so easy to lose sight of ourselves as individuals. After all – we’re more than chauffeurs and snack providers! But how do we stay connected to this part of ourselves?
The MOMS Club of Monroe, MI, has developed one way to help their members thrive and grow, through their Women’s Empowerment League program. The chapter’s founder wanted part of the chapter to focus just on the moms, to encourage one another and to showcase the talent in the chapter. After all – all of us moms have something to contribute!
The topics at the Women’s Empowerment League have been as varied as the members of the chapter! Everything from crafts to the adoption process; from different ways that children learn, to an introduction to scarf ties, to an overview of craniosacral therapy. One mom is an aspiring yoga instructor, and taught all the moms some yoga moves. Another time they got a massage therapist to come in!
They run the program separate from their monthly members’ meeting.- they find that the members can be more focused on the speakers, instead of having to rush through a meeting agenda. The chapter has a coordinator to pull together a schedule for speakers. Often the moms in the chapter will volunteer, but sometimes the chapter will call members specifically to ask them to speak – it’s amazing what a personal ask can do!