EOY Report Submission


Read all instructions before starting!

  1. All chapters must complete the 2017-2018 Annual Report. Download and fill out the “2018 Annual Report” below. If your chapter has not started meeting prior to June 30, 2018, you do NOT need to fill out this report!
  2. Use this form to submit your completed reports.


Some other important things to remember:

  • Any board member of your chapter may fill out the report. We recommend that the Treasurer and President work together but any board member may complete it. All the information needed to complete it should be found in your financial records, newsletters, and meeting minutes.
  • Your report must be submitted no later than 11:59pm on July 10, 2018!It may be sent in earlier as long as you have included all of your financial information for the fiscal year of July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 and all necessary supporting files.
  • If you need help or extra time for ANY reason, contact your Primary Coordinator before July 10, 2018. A chapter may be put on probation for a late report, and a late report may put your chapter at risk of losing its non-profit status for the year. The report is very easy to complete, so please make sure you send it in on time!