Website Linking Guidelines


Because we are an organization of mothers and children, the MOMS Club is very concerned with safety for all our members. Therefore, we have established guidelines for all MOMS Club websites. Please refer to this Internet Safety PDF for further clarification of safety issues.

To have your MOMS Club website added to these links, please review these Guidelines for MOMS Club Websites. All sites must meet the Guidelines and are reviewed prior to linking. This includes Meetup, Facebook, and other similar groups. A reciprocal link back to the International site is expected from every linked chapter.

To request a link, please make sure your site meets these Guidelines, then select Add Link Requested in the MOMS Information Management Interface (MIMI).  All sites will be reviewed before links are added and re-checked periodically after that.  A directory of all web pages is maintained, including those who have not requested a link on the International site.

To have your MOMS Club website added to these links, please review the Guidelines for MOMS Club Websites. All sites must meet the Guidelines and are reviewed prior to linking. This includes Meetup, Google, and other similar groups. A reciprocal link back to the International site is expected from every linked chapter.


Identification of Your Site
  • Be sure your website clearly identifies your chapter name and state (and country, if outside the US).  Your chapter’s correct name is “MOMS Club of (geographic area), (state)” with caps as shown. Contact your Coordinator if you are not sure of your chapter’s correct name.
  • Our name and logo are registered service marks, so you must use them correctly:
    • Our name is “MOMS Club” just as it is written here. No periods, no apostrophe, caps as shown. Use the ® after the first reference only. (The HTML for the symbol is ®)
    • The mother/children logo may not be altered in any way. You may print it in a different solid color, but keep the design intact, with no changes. No shading, no multiple colors, alterations or additions.
    • Our slogan is “MOMS Offering Moms Support” with the caps as shown.
    • When you refer to the “mother” organization, call it “the International MOMS Club” with caps as shown.
Contents of Your Site
  • For safety, no non-member of your chapter should be able to read your website and know where and when to show up for an activity. Though we recommend not including specific event information online, if your chapter votes to include that – it should not be publicly accessible. Prospective members should need to talk with an officer to find out where and when an event will be held.
  • Do not list anyone’s contact information without her permission and never post anyone’s address online.
  • Do not include a membership form on your website.
  • If you include pictures, make sure you have permission, in writing, of all adults in the picture before you post it. If your chapter chooses to post children’s pictures anyway, you must have written permission from both parents. Post only a brief description of any event pictured, and never include names, telephone numbers or where they live!
  • Do not include on your website any contact telephone numbers or email addresses for other chapters. Instead, direct mothers looking for chapters in other areas to us HERE. That is the only address you should include for inquiries outside your area. Do not list your Coordinator as a contact on your site.
  • If you choose to link to any other chapter sites from your website, it will take longer to review your site. You will not be approved for linking to International’s site unless all the other sites you are linked to are also approved.
  • We would be glad to help you with your website. Ask your Coordinator to review your site before you post it.
  • Do not include any advertisements intended to produce income for your chapter, members or projects. Local chapters may only fundraise within their general geographic area. The Internet is an International venue, and only the International MOMS Club may contract with advertisers or perform fundraisers on a national or International level.
  • When ads are a part of the bargain to obtain free space for your website, include a statement that neither your chapter nor the International MOMS Club endorses any advertiser. Neither your chapter nor your members may benefit from that advertising.
Responsibility & Liability

All responsibility and liability for any and all content of a chapter website, public or private, and for any chapter Internet communications shall rest solely with the chapter’s officers and members. The International MOMS Club, its volunteers, employees, and representatives are not responsible for any content of any chapter’s Internet communications, nor for any chapter website, linked or unlinked.