Looking for a new idea to get folks out to your chapter’s general meetings and perhaps raise a little bit of money for your service projects at the same time? Meet the dinner draw!
“What is a dinner draw?”, you ask. I asked too! Here is the description from the chapter.
We had a sign-up sheet for the dinner raffle at every meeting and it was usually filled up months in advance. It kind of became a thing where everyone would bring their “A” game and make whatever was their specialty. Moms looked forward to making the meal as well as winning it! The dinner included a main dish, sides and dessert. It was a full meal. Sometimes moms would double up. One would do the meal and one the dessert. We made quite a bit of money every month from it. Tickets were only $1 but we’d all spend $5 – $20 each month trying to win it! There was always an email a few days before letting us know who was making the meal and what it was. We’d all get super excited about winning every month and having the night off from cooking!
Submitted by Nadine.
I am a member if my local chapter of the MOMS club. Coul you elaborate a little on how you handle this. We are struggling to get more attendance and interaction from our members and I think this sounds like an excellent way, but I am not quite sure how it was set up.
Thank you
Hi Stephanie,
Basically, moms signed up in advance of the meeting to bring food. The number of moms who bring food each time would vary based on the size of your chapter but I’m sure 2-5 would be a good number. A few days in advance of the meeting, you really start pumping people up about the possibility of winning dinner. Publish the meal that each mom plans in advance to bring so people know how awesome it will be. For example, Suzy is bringing her secret family lasagna, a Caesar salad kit and homemade red velvet cake with cream cheese icing, Sarah is bringing…. etc and you can win it for only $1!!!! After the event, I’d ask the moms who won to send out a thank you note mentioning how yummy it was and thanking the mom who provided it. It may take a few meetings for folks to really start getting in the groove. I’d even do something like publishing the pictures of the meals in the newsletter and such. The bigger deal you make about the meals the moms make and how fabulous they are, the more people will 1) want to make something and 2) want to win it. — Kim.