1,000 Miles for Garrett

One of the most touching aspects of MOMS Club is how moms really do offer each other support, in good times and in bad.  The MOMS Club of New Hanover Township, PA, has rallied to help one of their own kids deal with a difficult challenge.  Garrett, a wonderful...

Responding to Tragedy

Late last year, the MOMS Club of Antioch, CA was forced to respond to tragedy in their chapter when one of their member’s children passed away from SIDS at 11 months old. It rocked and devastated their chapter but it also united them in support for their fellow...

Dinner Draw

Looking for a new idea to get folks out to your chapter’s general meetings and perhaps raise a little bit of money for your service projects at the same time?  Meet the dinner draw! “What is a dinner draw?”, you ask. I asked too! Here is the...